Saturday 3 May 2014

Playing catch up with practical work

This week I have started sorting all the files and folders for my 12th of May submission disk: printing game concept, asset list documents, learning contract etc etc... Just want to make sure that everything is there and I do not forget something important. Also it will make me feel better having things ready rather than worrying that I still need to do ‘all of that stuff’ before the final hand it. I really want to get everything else out of the way as soon as possible and just concentrate on my practical work and then burn everything on to DVD an hour or 2 before the submission and drop it in to a submission box before the deadline.

This Thursday I had 2 meetings with Simone. She has finally finished reading my dissertation draft and gave feedback. I still need to change the layout: move Contextual Review part back in to Methodology section, write a new chapter on Walter Benjamin have a look at 'technological determinism' add more info here and there and  have a look at Richard Eldridge book "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art", Martin Rieser book " The Mobile Audienc. Media Art and Mobile Technologies" as well as Oliver Gray book ”Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion" which I still did not have time to do it. My first submission in a week’s time so I decided that the dissertation stuff has been taking way too much time now and I'm going to leave it until practical submission is done.  Only then I will fix the document as much as I can for Friday the 16th of May. I will most likely have to go back to practical work again after that as I strongly doubt I can finish the gameplay video. I need to have that video for my exhibition at least. It would be really good to have it ready for the presentation on Monday 20th as well.

I will be meeting Simone this Tuesday to get last paperwork signed and then just concentrate on doing as much artwork and animation as possible. Also, I am hoping to find some time to look in to the promotion stuff like business cards and poster printing. I will give my best shot and hope for the best. That is all I can do.

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